Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Week Two: The Benefits of Using Technology in the ESL Classroom

Last week I focused on some of the resources available to ESL teachers to use in their classrooms. This week I am focusing on what effective technology integration looks like in an ESL classroom and why technology is important.  English language learners benefit from technology because it provides both audio and visual support for text, which helps in English language development.  Technology helps English language learners find a voice, which eases the transition to a new language (Brozeck & Duckworth, 2011).  I was surprised to find that in 2017, there are still some misconceptions involving the technology integration in the ESL classroom.  Technology integration is best defined as the practice of integrating technology into teaching and learning.  There is a significant difference between implementing technologies on a surface level and actually intertwining it in a way that produces maximum results for teachers and students (Woodson, 2017).  This means is that just telling students to complete a separate internet activity or sending them to the computer center alone may not be the best use of educational technology, which is a common practice in most classrooms (Woodson, 2017). Technology can and should be deliberately used throughout the process of teaching and learning, so that it plays an active role rather than being a supplemental piece that is added to the lesson as an afterthought.
Integrating technology into the ESL classroom is crucial to student learning and language acquisition.  There are numerous benefits to integrating technology into the ESL classroom.  Some of these benefits include: increased student engagement and motivation, mobility, the teaching of valuable tools for the future, time saving for teachers, the promotion learner independence, and access to target culture (Woodson, 2017). In order for the students to acquire language, they need to be invested and motivated and technology makes this possible.  The mobility component is also an important aspect because for most ESL students.   The most authentic experiences with the target language often happen outside of the classroom setting.  Teachers can also include tools into their lessons that allow materials to be accessed on smartphones, laptops and tablets, which helps to keep students thinking about the material long after class if over.  One of the main goals of ESL teaching is to help prepare students to be successful globally, and technology helps to better prepare students for interaction in the real world.  The best way prepare students for the advancements in technology is to give them continual experiences with the tools and programs available today, and continue to update the tools and technology whenever possible. 
Teachers definitely know the importance of managing time, and technology helps both teachers and students get the most out of the time available to them.  Another advantage of technology is that it helps to promote independence.  This is important because it also helps to increase the students’ self-esteem and sense of worth.  Technology can also provide supports to the students and parents outside of the classroom, when the teacher is not available to offer assistance.  The last benefit to technology that I read about this week involved the students’ exposure to the target culture.  This exposure to the target culture can help make the content understandable and help the students to develop context.  The exposure to the target culture though the use of technology is often current and meaningful to the student (Woodson, 2017). 
Last week’s readings post provided ways in which technology can be integrated into almost any classroom and this week’s readings gave some very important benefits to using technology in the English language classroom.  The benefits highlight the need for teachers to be current and up-to-date on their teaching methods and strategies in order to best prepare students to function in a global environment. 

Brozek, E., & Duckworth, D. (2011). Supporting English language learners through technology. Retrieved June 7, 2017, from   e%204%20Technology/edvoiceIV_ch2.pdf

Woodson, K. (2017). How to use technology effectively to transform Your ESL classroom. Retrieved June 07, 2017, from students/

1 comment:

  1. David, I think one of the most crucial aspects of integrating technology in the ESL classroom is being able to genuinely access the target culture. Culture grounds language and can even explain why some grammatical aspects function the way they do. My one question would be how would you prefer to do this? Movies? Facetime/Skype/GoogleHangouts? Blogging?
